... Just a few answers away from having your workplace
concerns brought to the attention of CEJC:
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Phone:
Best Time to Call:
Problem Employer:
Where You Worked (City/Area):
Your Position or Type of Job There:
Which of these have been your problems with the employer?
Racial Discrimination or Harassment
Sexual / Gender Discrimination or Harassment
Disability - Failure to Accommodate
Misclassification as Management or Contractor
Wages - Failure to Pay for All Hours or Overtime
Meal or Rest Break Denial
Family, Medical, or Pregnancy Leave Denial
Whistleblower Retaliation
Other Workplace Mistreatment:
Please approximate:
When did you start working for the employer?
How recently have you been working there?
Do you know coworkers who feel similarly mistreated?
Does a union contract set wages for your position there?
Have you previously contacted an attorney about employment issues?
Did you sign a binding arbitration agreement with the employer?
Not Sure
Describe the workplace mistreatment most concerning to you:
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